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When everyone shares their unique gifts, talents, and/or passions then together we can really make a difference.  


If you would would like to "GET INVOLVED" we would love to hear from you. There are many things you can do from sharing our social media posts,  sharing our website and sharing our mission TO buying beautiful creations by Gracie Greene, each product carries an impact statement letting you know how your purchase is helping the students in the Zahn School.


Are you a blogger or have a following of people?  Can you share our story?  Want to help us behind the scene?  Contact us let us know how you see yourself helping and we'd love to hear from you!


People who have shared their talents with us include:

  • Website Design & Building

  • Social Media

  • Photography

  • Leather Stamping

  • Bag Construction/Sewing

  • Networking

  • Local Businesses (Display & Selling)

  • Donations can go a long way in Cambodia for example, we were able to have 2 bathrooms constructed for $1,000!

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Special thanks goes to Walter!  He is the wonderful man who takes Cathy's designs and turns them into reality!


Special thank you to Jennifer Bladel of Village Studio. Her gorgeous photography has brought all the Gracie Greene bags  to life!  To learn more about Jennifer, her work and artistry, visit her website: 

Special thank you to C&S Hotstamping! Their work and detail goes a long way in making our bags stand out! C&S is a boutique contract printing shop with over eight different decorating methods under one roof. As their website explains, they focus primarily on hard goods, but their "Yes We Can!" campaign ultimately proves they can and will print on anything. 

Gracie Greene LLC
1 201-638-1310

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